22 October 2010

101 in 1,001

Like I don't have enough things on my plate right now, I'm thinking of doing a 101 in 1,001 challenge again.  I've tried to do it before but lose steam about 1 week in.  I'm hoping I can use it to help me with my organizational skills. And to get my dreams in order so I know some of the things I'm going to try to work toward.  So keep an eye on this space in future for info on my 101 in 1,001.

(Oh, and another crazy thing I may be doing again?  LJ Idol  I know I've got the writing chops and the creativity.  It will be another way for me to get that creativity out.

Am I nuts for doing all this?  Probably.  But I'm hoping it will help keep me sane in the long run.


  1. I think it's quite ambitious, so don't beat yourself up if it doesn't go as planned. Have you ever been published? I'd like to see the list, though, if you go through with it.

  2. it's so true what kimberly said. Take it bit by bit, and you'll get through!
    I'm also curious if you've been published, your blog writing is good reading.

    Following you now, Bloempje666 (swap-bot)

  3. Well, I visited earlier because I'm already a follower, but now I'm visiting from Swap-bot's Blogger swap. I just wanted you to know. ;)

  4. Thanks, both of you. It's what I think I'm going to try to do. If I get the list written, that's when I'll start the 101. If not, then it wasn't meant to be.

    As for being published, no, but thanks for the compliment. I do a lot of writing for other things. I do some online Role-playing where how you write is important. And I've journaled off and on for most of my life.

    Thanks again for the follow!

  5. nah, that's not nuts. what 1001 thing?
    i'm neverwashis on swapbot btw.

  6. Hi,I am now following you! Have a nice weekend. Caroline - Carolinev237 on Swap-Bot x For the Blogger Swap x

  7. Ah I tried this before, a few times actually, but never completed any. I gave up after more than a year into it, which is kinda sad because it is so close, yet so far. All the best to you for this challenge. I would love to see your progress (:

    mag x (swapbot)
    blogger swap

    P.S. I'm already following you (:


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