19 September 2019

Starting From Scratch - LJ Idol, Season 11, Week 0

There are so many ways I've started to write this post.  I'd considered pulling out my old faithful post, talking about the many facets of who I am.  But that post is ages old, and it just didn't feel right.  On Friday, my 16th anniversary, I started to write about the changes that had all of those years had seen.  But I had to step away from it and when I came back, I just couldn't find my voice for it again.  Tonight, I started to write about my cousin, only 7 months younger than I, that passed this past weekend.  But even from the start, I knew that wasn't what I wanted.

I still don't know what I want to write.  I could tell you about my kids - 13 year old Teddy who is turning more into a man than I'm ready for or 11 year old Pete who alternately drives me to distraction and fills my heart to overflowing with love.  I could tell you about my husband who works two jobs to support us and how often I don't believe I deserve him.  I could tell you about my hobbies - reading everything from cozy mysteries to comics to biographies to... well, anything else that catches my attention; role-playing games with my family and friends; board games with the same.  I could tell you about my health - the depression that I've dealt with for most of my life, the back problems that sometimes make keeping on top of things difficult, the little ways that age is showing it's onward march.  I could tell you what it's like parenting an alphabet soup kid, the trials and tribulations where my issues intersect with his.  I could tell you other things that catch my mind or my attention. 

So I write a little about all of it.  I'll probably write a lot more about all of them as the season goes on.  Because most of the time, when I write, I write from my life and I write from my heart.  Here's to seeing what this season brings!


  1. a post about nothing tells everything. Looking forward to reading more. - md_meezer

  2. Lots of details here for not knowing what to write!

    1. Yep. :-) I find that happens a lot when I just start writing.

  3. Thank you for sharing what you did. I look forward to reading more from you.

  4. I can relate to the many starts on this season's intro. We got it done! :-)

    Welcome! Bring on the season! Yay, you!

    1. Thanks, Murielle! It's gonna be a great season!


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