Day 05 – A book that makes you happy
I was introduced to Sandra Boyton by friends of mine. They had Philadelphia Chickens
Fast forward to 2006, right after I had Teddy. A package arrived in the mail from Barb and, among the items she'd sent was the board book for Snuggle Puppy. And it became one of my favorite books to read to Teddy. Because I didn't read it to him. I sang it to him. And now Teddy and I sing it to Pete. Sharing this book with my family always makes me happy. I'm hoping to keep it in good enough condition to pass it along to the boys when they have families of their own.
Day 06 – A book that makes you sad
Day 07 – Most underrated book
Day 08 – Most overrated book
Day 09 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 10 – Favorite classic book
Day 11 – A book you hated
Day 12 – A book you used to love but don’t anymore
Day 13 – Your favorite writer
Day 14 – Book from your favorite writer
Day 15 – Favorite male character
Day 16 – Favorite female character
Day 17 – Favorite quote
Day 18: First “chapter book” you can remember reading as a child
Day 19 – Favorite book turned into a movie
Day 20 - Book that makes you laugh out loud
Day 21 – Favorite book from your childhood
Day 22 - Book you’re currently reading
Day 23 – Your guilty pleasure
Day 24 – A book that you wish more people would’ve read
Day 25 - Favorite book you read in school
Day 26 – A book that changed your opinion about something
Day 27 – The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 28 – Favorite title
Day 29 – A book everyone hated but you liked
Day 30 - Favorite book