27 November 2012

Tuesday Coffee Chat -Too Early for Christmas?

Les over at Time Out for Mom hosts a weekly chat every Tuesday where she'll post a topic for us to talk about.  This week, we're talking about spreading the holiday cheer.

Now, I'm going to say from the beginning that I love the winter holidays.  I love the chill that comes in the air, the colored lights, the decorations.  I love the anticipation that my children have of Santa's arrival on the night of the 25th and the fact that so many of my friends celebrate the various holidays that happen this time of year in different ways.  I love to put up the tree with the kids, make cookies for my friends and loved ones, find wonderful gifts that just scream, "Give me to...", making up our yearly family gifts of holidays calendars, sharing traditions with the boys and making new ones.  I love the carols, and I love to sing along with them.  It's the one time of year that I don't feel embarrassed to just break into song for no reason. It really is a wonderful time of year.

But even with my love of the holidays, there is such a thing as too much.  An example:  On Halloween, I walked into Wal-Mart to buy thermal underwear for the boys to wear under their costumes trick or treating that night.  As soon as I came through the door, I noticed a bunch of employees with baskets in the action area, taking down all of the Halloween stuff and putting up the Christmas stuff.  On October 31st.  And I was annoyed because I wanted to be able to finish one holiday before having another sliding in for attention.  I also felt sorry for anyone needing to come pick up a last minute Halloween whatever, only to be greeted with the site of Christmas gifts and decorations instead.  That is just a little too early.

Personally, I wait until after Thanksgiving to get started on my holidays decorating (though not actually on my prep - I'll admit it. I'm someone who goes shopping on Thanksgiving day in the hopes of getting some goodies for the kids or stocking stuffers for the family).  Usually, I try to wait until December hits before getting the decorating started.  Because, again, for all that I love the holiday I want to be finished with one before moving on to the next.  I don't need a Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving day, pulling the boys' attention away from talking about what they should be thankful for and instead talking about the lights or gifts they want or whatever.

By next week, I'm hoping to start on the decorating.  Thanksgiving is over and it's the next holiday that I should be thinking of.  I should have more than enough time to make my house look pretty, share things with my boys and bring out the cheer.