28 March 2011

Meet Me on Monday for 3/28/11

Every Monday, Java over at Never Growing Old does a little Get to Know Me set of 5 questions.  Since I'm getting more blog readers all the time, thanks to Bloggy Moms, BlogFrog, Swap-Bot and The Mom Pledge, I figure it doesn't hurt to let a bit more info out so you all know where I'm coming from. Without further ado

  1. Crunchy or soft tacos? Soft.  I used to do crunchy.  I still do love crunchy.  But after the one time I got a piece of taco shell lodged 1/2 way down my throat (in such a way that I could still breath but couldn't swallow hard enough to get it down into my stomach), I've avoided the crunch.
  2. Do you scrapbook? Well, I WANT to scrapbook.  I've even bought a scrapbook and lots of supplies.  The problem is getting started.  I'm hoping that once I get all my craft supplies on my new bookshelf, I'll be able to sit down in the evenings while Rich is playing computer games and scrapbook while watching him play.
  3. Do you take any daily medications? Too many, or so I often think.  I have medications for depression, medications so I can sleep, medications for back pain... I have a nice little handful to take nightly.
  4. What is your favorite sound? Teddy and Peter laughing.  It is the absolute best sound in the whole entire world.
  5. Where were you born? In Kingston, NY.  I don't remember much of Kingston.  We only lived there until I was 2.

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