I love finding new readers, being introduced to new concepts and learning new things. So I pretty regularly join Blog swaps over on Swap-Bot. This is the latest round of wonderful partners that I have discovered from this swap.
Asexuality, Unabashed is a blog written by an asexual woman about her asexuality. It's a fairly new blog, but I'm finding it very interesting to learn about a subset of sexuality that, unfortunately, had never crossed my mind. I look forward to reading what else she has to share in the future.
With a Camera & a Bible is Christine's blog with a little of everything. She's posted some of her wonderful pictures and scans of some truly amazing letters that she picked up because "I'm nosey [sic] and wanted to see what the letters were about." She even scanned them. Definitely going to enjoy following her journey.
Patricia's Fabric Art is a showcase of some fantastic artwork on a variety of mediums. I love blogs that show their creativity. Sometimes it spurs me to creativity of my own, while other times I just love to bask in the talent of creative people like Patricia.
Postmarked with Love is a blog that reminds us of the lost art of letter writing. She posts some pictures, but most of it is the written word - some her own, some quotes or poems that she enjoys. I love that she has the postage rates listed on the right hand side of her blog. Anyone reading it won't have an excuse of "I don't know how much a stamp is" any longer!
In My Life is a photography blog with very little comment. Heather puts some fantastic pictures up! My favorites are from last October, when she took some beautiful bird pictures. I may not like going near them, but I do love to look at them from someone else's lens. This blog isn't updated incredibly regularly, but you can find more from her in a blog that she share with friends called We Heart TV. They all share comments and critiques on the shows that they watch. It's a fantastic read!
I'm actually pretty amazed that I didn't come across any blogs that I was already following. It generally happens with me (which is great because it means I get to share them again), but this time out five new blogs to follow! I hope you enjoy them too.