The last couple of months have been more than a bit hectic. Between doctors appointments, procedures, kids graduating from PDO, month-long stays at my Dad's, housework, Summer PDO, the need for new breaks on the van and a host of other things, it's no wonder my head is spinning and I haven't been around.
I don't think things are going to be slowing down any over the next month either. The cleaning still needs to be done. The kids are in Summer PDO, so that will be 2 days a week. The van is going in tomorrow for the work that it needs. Teddy will be doing Vacation Bible School starting Sunday night. I've got tons of worries about my Dad. Rich is going in for surgery on June 21st. And somehow, I'm going to stay sane through it all.
Now that I'm back home, though, I'm hoping to get back on track with blog posts. I've missed writing them. I've missed being a part of the network of bloggers that I've come to get to know. I've missed sharing what's happening in my life and finding out what's going on in the lives of others. So, here's my intention to get back into the saddle and start blogging again. I suspect it's something I'm going to need, considering everything that will be happening over the next several months. But that's ok. Because I've got this outlet and that works just fine.