Now, for those of you that have come over here to check me out from there, sit down, get comfy and ignore the noise. The boys are having another Pokemon battle. Trust me. You get used to it.
My name is Amber and I've been writing on Sanity's Overrated for close to a year. I write a little of everything here - memes from other bloggers, stories of my life, what's going on with my boys, thoughts, fears, worries... it's just kind of a place for me to be me. I love to read, love to write, love to get to know people. My sense of humor - as well as my writing style - goes pretty much all over the map. Well... sort of. I guess my writing style would be be described as "stream of consciousness". I'm also pretty much take me as you see me. And I'm pretty open. So if you have a question, feel free to ask.
There are three people I talk about more than any others.
Rich or Rick (I slip back and forth between the two... it's an oddity) is the man crazy enough to marry me. He's just my kind of geek and I count myself lucky every day. He is the one that goes out, 5 days a week, to make the money that keeps us with all the things we want and need. He's got a fantastic sense of humor and loves the fact that, most of the time, I can see where he's going with a joke or a quote. We really fit together pretty well. Like me, he's a voracious reader. Like me, he's a role-playing gamer (pencil, paper and real live dice, though a good computer game now and then isn't a bad thing.) I'm pretty sure he's where my sons get their sense of humor from. He's the one that helps keep me sane in my insane world.
Teddy is my 5 year old, starting kindergarten in less than 2 weeks (no! Not my baby!) and has dominant geek genes as well. He's also one of the smartest kids I know. Sometimes I worry about him because of that. I'm already seeing where he wants to give up if something doesn't come easy for him. But I'm hoping he'll grow out of it.
He's a huge reader, reading somewhere around a 2nd or 3rd grade level. He loves comics and graphic novels and has even started getting into some of the chapter books (like the Nick Zone Books
Peter is 2, going on 3 in about 2 months. He's my mischief maker. That boy will do ANYTHING to get a chuckle out of us. I'm convinced he's part monkey, the way he'll climb on anything he can find footholds and handholds on. He likes to give Mommy heart-attacks. But he also loves to give full body hugs... you know the kind where his arms wrap around your neck and his legs wrap around your waist and he just snuggles in. It's one of the best feelings in the world! He also worships his big brother. Right now, he's having a hard time understanding that just because Teddy's going to kindergarten doesn't mean that he will be going. If Teddy likes something, it's a fair bet that Pete will be into the same thing soon. Right now, it's Pokemon. He's going back to his Parents Day Out program this fall (both boys have gone for the last two years, so it will be another change for him, not having big brother there). It's going to be interesting, having just Pete around for the three days he's not in PDO. I'm hoping it means less chaos, but somehow I doubt it.
So that's my family in a nutshell (which immediately brings to mind Austin Powers... but that's neither here nor there). This blog is just my little corner of the world. And I love being here.