Why I Started my Blog

are asking the question: Why did you start your blog?
And you know me. I like to talk about things and link up places and promote other great blogs. And I like to write things that make me think a little.
This one is really making me think because I'm not sure why I started this blog. It's not the first one I started. That was a blog about Teddy growing. I dropped away from it, getting into LJ a bit more. Then I started a blog for my 101 in 1001 goals. I (far too often) start things that I don't finish. And that's what happened there. But Sanity's Overrated.... that's a bit more difficult.
A lot of it, I think, may have been because I had started drifting away from Livejournal and connecting more with people on Facebook. But Facebook doesn't give me the opportunity to write the way that I want to. I needed a place to write regularly.
Around the same time, there was a Blogger swap on Swap-Bot. I thought it would be a good time to actually start this blog. I didn't know what it was going to be. I knew that I'd write, but what would I write about? The boys and my life? Probably. The book reviews? I hadn't expected those. My swap-bot stuff? Not a bad idea, especially with Blogger swaps. But what Sanity's Overrated would actually be... well, I think I'm still trying to figure that out. Like myself, it continues to grow and change.
It's become a living thing, and that is something I'm grateful for.