27 January 2013

Daily Challenge - Daily Chores

Yesterday, I mentioned that I'd be doing two challenges today - playing Burning Wheel with Rich and writing out a daily chore list for my family.  Well, I don't think actually playing Burning Wheel is going to happen - today was a lot more trying than expected (more about that later).  But I did manage to

Write a Daily Chore List for Everyone

The chore list for some of us may have a few things you'll consider odd.  But honestly, there are reasons behind this.

See, I've been really bad about making my kids do things around the house.  Heck, sometimes I'm bad about making me do things around the house.  So they've gotten into the habit of not having a lot of responsibilities.  Well, when I tried to make changes, I put up some dry erase boards to use as Chore Lists for the whole family.

The problem with this is that if I didn't write it on the list, Teddy would insist that he didn't need to do it.  Yeah, he can be a pain that way sometimes.  So I've decided to write a pretty exhaustive list with things that need to be done, if not every day then at least close to it.  So here are the Daily Chore lists for everyone:

  • Put on eye patch
  • Feed Lemon
  • Homework
  • Set table
  • Put away school stuff on the hooks
  • Put away lunch supplies in the sink
  • Help Mommy
  • Clean bedroom
  • Pick up toys
  • Pick up clothes

  • Get dressed
  • Work on Worksheets
  • Pick up Toys
  • Help Mommy
  • Put away school stuff on the hooks
  • Put away lunch supplies in the sink
  • Clean bedroom
  • Pick up toys
  • Set table

  • Clean litter pan
  • Dinner/Kitchen Clean-up
  • Pick up clothes
  • Bring Laundry Downstairs
  • Bring folded laundry upstairs/put away
  • Sweep/Mop
  • Bring out trash

  • Daily Room*
  • Dinner/Kitchen Clean-Up
  • Wash/Dry/Fold laundry
  • Vacuum

* This will depend on what the room of the day is and what needs to be done there.

The tough part with this will be getting the boys to do them every day.  I'm still trying to figure out the best way to put this into a list that the boys can see and check off daily.  Particularly since what they get for completing all their chores is extra computer and television time.  But that is a challenge for another day!

Tomorrow, I may be writing about my Burning Wheel character.  But my challenge that I'll definitely be doing is

Clear off the Bakers' Rack

This is a place that becomes a catch all for a lot of things in the dining room.  And since tomorrow is dining room cleaning day, I figured it was the perfect time for me to get things cleared off a bit and organized.  Expect some before and after pictures!