Friday Fragments is a meme that I've read several time, thanks to Wayne at Touristic and Heather at Acting Balanced, but I hadn't participated before now for a variety of reasons. Part of it has been forgetting about it until Friday and then realizing I don't really have any fragments to post, and another is realizing that I don't have the time to visit as many people as I'd like. This week, I'm changing that. After all, it's a busy day for blogging, so that should be part of it!
- This has been one of my busier weeks, made more difficult because I'm sans van at the moment. My dad was borrowing it while I couldn't drive and I won't be getting it back until tomorrow. Tuesday, I drove all over creation in Rich's car because of doctor's appointments, school, Rich at work and anything else that could come up. It feels good being back behind the wheel, but can't I get it slowed down a little?
- I'm in day two of my daily challenge and feeling pretty good about things. I've got a lot of things still on my schedule today and I really have only done online things, but those are still things off my list. Plus, there's a lot of day left still. I've got time to get it all done!
- I got a call from Teddy's school today. When I first saw the number, my heart went into my chest. I don't have a vehicle to pick Teddy up! What's wrong? Instead, it was a reminder call from the lady in charge of the gifted program, reminding me of my meeting with her on Monday to get Teddy involved in the program. I think this is going to be a good meeting. Like almost everyone else at the school, she knows Teddy well and thinks highly of him. Yay!
- I've been trying to take a picture every day in preparation of Wordless Wednesday. That, and I've been told that pictures on blog posts are more attractive than a wall of text. I took a few today, mainly inside. It's gray and yucky out, so I didn't want to head outside for one. Of the ones I took, this is my favorite:
Goofball child! |
- The weather in TN has been insane. Right now, the temperature is 76 degrees outside. 76 on January 11th. At the beginning of the month, we were in the 30s with no precipitation. At the beginning of this week, the temperature rose and it started raining. It's rained every day this week. It's supposed to keep raining, with temperatures in the 60s and 70s, through most of next week. By next weekend, however, the weather is supposed to clear up and drop back down into the 30s. What's up with this? I want snow!
If you want to add your own fragments, here's the link to this week's Fragments. Come over and check out what others have to say, and add your own fragments into the mix!