27 January 2013

He Said/She Said

He Said/She Said is a new (to me) Meme hosted by 2 Messy.  It seems to be a fairly irregular one, but anything that brings Hubby and I into something together is a plus.  So here are the latest questions (from last Saturday, and both Rich and my answers.


  1. When do you feel your best? "There are morning people and there are evening people.  I'm a mid-afternoonish person, where I feel good from about 1 to 4."
  2. In those last few moments before going to sleep, what do you think about? Some days, nothing more than whatever is on the television or audio book at the time.  Other days, it's a time to focus on all of the hidden fears in my brain that come out to torment me in the dark of night.
  3. What do you dream about most often? Don't know.  I rarely remember my dreams. And those I do remember don't seem to follow any pattern.
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up? A wizard.  But failing that, I'd settle for a storyteller which can be a magic all it's own.
  5. How old is too old to live with your parents? I don't think there is a wrong age, but there are wrong times in which to do it.
  6. What is your hobbie of choice? Role-playing games and collectible cards, with a side of coin collecting.
  7. How many siblings do you have? 1, a sister.
  8. How many bones have you broken? Just one, but it was a vertebra!
  9. How many times have you moved? Five times.
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Home is where the heart is.
  11. If you won the million dollar lottery what would be the FIRST thing you would buy? A home.
  12. What was your first girlfriend/boyfriends name? Jane.
  13. How old were you for your first kiss? I refuse to answer on the grounds that I will appear lame.  Real answer: 20 or thereabouts.
  14. Who is your favorite person to hang out with? Amber.
  15. Do you like short or long hair on the opposite sex? I dunno.  I don't think I have a preference there. Longer, I guess, since I was saddened when Amber's hair got cut.


  1. When do you feel your best? In the morning, when I'm getting into something that needs to be done.
  2. In those last few moments before going to sleep, what do you think about? It depends on the night.  Sometimes I lose myself in the tv show or audio book playing, other times, I spin a fairy tale in my mind to help me fall asleep.
  3. What do you dream about most often? My dreams are always varied and always weird. Usually, it involves either Rich or the kids.
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up? Do I have to grow up?
  5. How old is too old to live with your parents? I'd say it depends on the person.  Some people should move out before they even turn 18, others should be there most of their lives.  It just depends on the situation. 
  6. What is your hobbie of choice? Reading.  Often.
  7. How many siblings do you have? 1 sister, 2 step-brothers and 2 step-sisters.
  8. How many bones have you broken? Um.... I THINK just one - a small bone in my foot.  But I've sprained the same foot numerous times as well.
  9. How many times have you moved? Ten times.  Between college and temporary moves, it's been a lot.
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Tough one.  There are a lot of places I'd love to visit - England, the Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Japan, Australia... but live... that one is more difficult.  Gonna have to go with Rich on this one - wherever he and the boys are, that's where I want to be.
  11. If you won the million dollar lottery what would be the FIRST thing you would buy? A house somewhere with 4 bedrooms and a yard for the kids to play in.
  12. What was your first girlfriend/boyfriends name? Well.... I don't think he considered himself my boyfriend, but his name was Ramon.  The first one that called me his girlfriend was Frankie.
  13. How old were you for your first kiss? I think I was 12.  Sometimes around then.
  14. Who is your favorite person to hang out with? Rich, most of the time.
  15. Do you like short or long hair on the opposite sex? Generally, I like longer.  Which shows how much I love Rich since I'm still with him even with short hair.