30 January 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49er's in the Superbowl. What was the last event you attended that could be described as super? Probably one of the cons I went to.  PhilCon, I think, would be the one I'd choose.  This was 2003, 2004.  I got a chance to meet people I hadn't met before, I was introduced to one of my favorite authors, and I just geeked out the whole weekend.
  2. Share something you're a fan of these days? I'm a fan of a lot of things.  But my biggest obsession at the moment is NCIS.  They do reruns on USA so I've been taping them and catching up on the episodes.  Last night, I even watched the new episode.  Of course, if you ask me on March 30, my focus is going to change to Doctor Who with the second half of the season coming out.  (Plus, 50th Anniversary?  Oh yeah!)
  3. How do you feel about wings? In case anyone is confused, I'm talking about the edible appetizer kind. What's your preferred seasoning-hot, mild, teryiaki, sweet and sour, other? Do you make your own or is there a favorite place you like to go for wings? I'm actually pretty meh about wings.  I think it's because, in my mind, I still thing of them as something hot and spicy and I'm not much of a spicy food person.  I have had teryiaki wings before, though, and those aren't too bad.
  4. As long as we're talking sports today, have you been following the Lance Armstrong story? Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks? I haven't really been following it.  I mean, I've heard about all of it, but it just hasn't stuck on my radar.
  5. What's a question you hate to be asked? "Can you make this call for me?"  *shiver*
  6. The coaches in this Sunday's big match up happen to be real life brothers. Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er's and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens. Were you and your sibling(s) competitive? In what way? Are you still? If you're an only child how did you handle competition growing up?  My sister and I were never really competitive.  We weren't much into sports, and being competitive about grades just never struck me as something that made a lot of sense - particularly since she was two years behind me.  We were learning different things.  My boys, however, are incredibly competitive.  About everything.  If Pete gets to the front door before me, he'll tell me, "I win, Mommy.  You lose."  I'm trying to temper their competitive streaks a little, but it doesn't seem to be working yet.
  7. What's your favorite game involving a ball, and when did you last play? Soccer, though I haven't played since middle school.  My school then was big on soccer and didn't have a football team (though now they have a co-team with one of the other towns).  So soccer is what I grew up learning and I actually enjoyed playing quite a bit.
  8. Insert your own random thought here. It's a very rainy day here in TN.  Apparently, several people lost power last night and there was at least one tornado touch done.  Thankfully, none of that seemed to happen to me.  I did hear the wind and the rain quite a bit last night.  It's actually stopped for the moment, so I was able to go outside and take pictures of the runoff/creek behind my apartment.  The water's moving fairly quickly down there.  It always makes me smile to watch the water rushing like that.