I'd really thought I was going to get back to blogging regularly back in February. Then school happened and life happened and I didn't quite get back to it. But now school is out for the year here in Nashville, I have my own computer and (hopefully) I'll have a bit more time to post on my journal. After all, today is the first day of the month. I might as well try to make some changes. I even entered all the books I've read since February into GoodReads and posted my first review in about 8 years on Views from the Reader Side. I've got my BuJo set up for the next month, I'm getting some things organized around the house and I'm actually feeling pretty good about it all. I'm feeling good about a lot because a lot of things are seeming to be ok.
I've started joining a few events on Eventbright that is working toward both making me healthier and more creative. I've got a couple regular journaling events, a couple of regular yoga events, and a few book clubs that I haven't had a chance to join in yet but I have signed up for. I'm getting a head on the reading because even if something happens and I can't keep up with it, I'll still have read some awesome books.
Speaking of reading, I'm also participating in the Nashville Pubic Library Summer Reading Program. I've already made the first goal of 600 minutes reading (though I haven't logged them all yet). I'm hoping to put reviews up for all the books that I read on Goodreads, mirrored to Views from the Reader Side. If any of my readers are also participating in a reading program, I'd love to hear what you are reading as well. Either here or on VftRS. Books are always good.
I also found an older... I don't like to use the word "game" because it's not really a game. It's more a way to help bolster people anonymously. It's called Kind Words and I check it out a couple times a day. You can post your own 7 line thing that you want to talk about - good, bad, curious about the others that are in the world as well. And then you can browse through letters others have left to give them kind words of support, encouragement, and just general goodness. (And sometimes you may even have advice to give!) The only problem I have with it is that there are times I get replies from people and I want to write back so badly and it's not set up for that. It's still all pretty cool and it helps when I'm having a rough day.
With that, I will close this post for now. But, because I'm actually pretty proud of it, I'm going to share my June Layouts in my Bullet Journal. I promise this will be in separate blog posts for those who have no interest in it later.
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