This month has been so incredibly busy for me that I haven't had as much of a chance to be creative as I'd like. I have done a little role-playing, as well as a few pages in my Bullet Journal here and there, but my mental energies have been going to so many other things right now. I was hoping that I'd have something interesting to share today, but sadly it's just my usual August BuJo pages and a few others that I worked on tonight.
I couldn't get as creative, mentally, this month. I tried to figure out something that would tie into school starting, but until this moment, nothing came to mind (Pencils. I could have used colored pencils as my mood tracker.) But, on the good side, I was able to use some of my newer stencils. I may also be adding more of the multitude of stickers I have as well (note to self: that might work for next week's Working Wednesday....) Still, for all that it wasn't as creative as I would otherwise have liked, it's a fairly solid set of layouts, so here we go.

These are my Month in Review scoring blocks. I've liked having a one or two page spread where I can see at a glance how much I've read, watch, lost weight, walked.... Since I have every month with a flag on it, it makes it easier for me to compare one month to the next or to pull everything together at the end of the year. I used an
orange Frixion Marker Pen for the stenciled words, and
Sharpie Medium Point Pen (I love them because they don't bleed through like most of my other marker pens do.)
These are my "What I've..." boxes. It gives me a place to write down the books, movies, TV shows and games that make an appearance through the month. I've learned through the months of doing this that my Reading list has a tendency to be longer than any of my others. So "Watched" and "Played" are together on one page and "Read" is by itself. I again used the Sharpie for the outlines, but used my
light blue Frixion Erasable Pen for the stencils and the flags.

This is my August Mood Tracker (on the left) and my habit/sleep/stress/energy/step trackers (on the right). I also had a bit of room on the left hand page, so I decided to put a little calendar there so I can more easily keep track of what day of the week is what without having to count backward. The little gold colored box is the day the kids go back to school. Not that I'm excited for the day or anything.... For the left hand page, I used my
newer stencils for all of it. (Actually, everything stenciled - including the flagged boxes above, were from my newer stencils. ) I used the Sharpie pen for the outlines, and my green Frixion for the days of the week and the hand writing. The colors for the moods are a set of double sided colored pencils that I got.... who remembers where. I had to start writing the name of the color along with the mood because by the end of the month, I'd forget what exact color I chose. This works so much better.
The right was done with a straight edge and my navy blue Frixion pen. I was going to try stenciling but they didn't line up the way I wanted, so I just straight-edged through the dots. My sleep line is pink, stress light blue and energy purple.
These final pages were ones I did tonight while watching a Webinar. On the left, it was just a bunch of doodles. I was trying to find a lettering style that I could write without having to use a stencil and that would look kinda need. I'm not too pleased, but that's because I didn't really have a vision. The right is the list of things I need to pick up during tax free weekend this upcoming weekend. I still need to go through all my other school supplies to see what I don't need to duplicate, but at least I have everything in one place now!
And that's it, my BuJo layouts for the last few days. Feel free to steal wholly if you like, or riff off of them or whatever. I just do them to keep me on track. You need to do you.
*All links are affiliate links and I will get a small amount for anything you buy.
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