06 October 2021

Working Wednesday - October's BuJo


I had meant to post this last week but as I mentioned in yesterday's post I had trouble getting anything written because of my depression.  But that post seems to have opened the floodgates and I'm back to being ready to post again.

I set up my October BuJo the weekend before last.  Some of it is a standard I've found that works well for me, some was just general experimentation, and some were things I found on Pintrest.  Without further ado, here are the pictures of my October layouts.

I'm finding that I like my Month in Review page at the beginning of the month.  This way I can keep track of what I'm doing more of each month.  I change up how they are written each month because nothing has really jumped out at me as a layout to use every time.  I used monthly stickers for October from the Peter Pauper collection and a dual writing orange/black pen from Mr. Pen.  The boxes were a stencil with a set of the five boxes together.  I just added the second column.  (I can't remember which stencils these are - I've gotten so many since I started.   This will be the case for any of my stencils.)

My "What I've..." lists are another staple of my monthly lay out..  Like the Month in Review, the layout itself changes from month to month.  I'm not sure how happy I am with this one - I was thinking of just writing things any which way and it would look like a mind map.  In reality, I have difficulty with that.  I also realized that I should have had my Played be a bit bigger this month, what with TN Game Days and all.  I'm a little behind in writing down what I've read.  That should be in the next day or so.

This is a design I cribbed from someone on Pintrest.   I liked the idea of a mood web for Halloween.  I free-hand drew the web, only using a straight edge for the lines.  The colors for the moods are fairly standard for me.  I always include the name of the color so I don't forget which of the many shades I have I'm using for which particular mood.  I did use a stencil for the boxes for the colors though.

This is my monthly habit tracker and, honestly it's the one thing that doesn't seem to change from month to month.  I think I've finally hit on a layout that works really well for me.  I just use a straight edge to make the boxes and freehand write the rest.  What I like about my tracker is that along with including my "Did I?" habits, I'm also able to include my sleep, energy and stress levels for each day along with the number of steps I took according to my step tracker.  I use the color of my mood for that day to color in what I've done each day, and I like the look of the stacked bar graph for my sleep/energy/stress.  I had tried a line graph but that didn't work as well for me.  The only problems are when I have the same numbers for more than one benchmark.  Then I just kind of shade one color into the next.

My last page of my monthly layout is a calendar for the month.  It's not an in-depth calendar but more a colorful view of what is coming up in the month.  It also gives me a chance to use some of the Peter Pauper Teacher/Student/Parent stickers I have to keep track of things.  I have a more detailed monthly calendar in my actual planner, but this is good for a quick look.

In the next month or two, I need to start setting up my 2022 BuJo.  I'm thinking of doing away with a planner and BuJo and instead have it all just in my BuJo.  I can keep a yearly, monthly and weekly calendar in the front and other things like my weight tracker, my cleaning schedule, the books I want to read,  behind it.   So look for those in the upcoming month.

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