10 December 2012

Then and Now

As I was looking for pictures for my entry to Monday Listicles, I happened to look at some of my older pictures of the kids over at Facebook and at Flickr.  And it amazes me how much they've grown.  So I decided to do a little photo retrospective of each of them over the past several years so you, too, can see how they've changed.  I tried to get most of the pictures from the same time of year - Christmas.


Christmas 2006

Christmas, 2007

Christmas, 2008 (With Peter - and it's one of my favorites)

Christmas, 2009

October, 2010 (For some reason, I can't find my Christmas pictures from that year)
Christmas, 2011

Christmas, 2012


Christmas, 2008 (Another of both boys.  Not sure why the words are backwards, though)

Christmas, 2009

October, 2010

Christmas, 2011

October, 2012

It's funny - I can see the boys that they become in the pictures from their first Christmases, but I can also see how much they've changed.  The years go by so very quickly.  They grow so fast.  But inside, they'll always be the babies that I've loved as much as the big boys they are growing to be.